Dawson, NM Reunion on August 31, 2008 at the old Dawson Townsite

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Also, click here to see Mark DiVecchio's Dawson 2008 Reunion Photos.
A special thanks to Mark for also sharing his photos with us.

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  Norma Hurta Engmin with son and daughter. Norma is the daughter of Elizabeth      Thalia is the daughter of Edward Fraini and granddaughter of Florindo Fraini and Rosa Iannacchione.      This old Knights of Pythias ribbon was worn by Joe Bacca at the reunion in honor of his famly ancestor who was a member of the Dawson Knights of Pythias. The ribbon belonged to his great grand father Alex Bacca who with his wife, Margarita Bacca, came to this country in the 27 Oct. 1900 from Australia.      A special thanks presented by Ann Salvo Weybrew to the manager of the old Dawson properties now called the Elk Valley Dawson Ranch.  Vivien Andrews recognized Jerry Scanlon who has been a member of the Dawson Association Committee for many years and who will be going off of the Committee.   Vivien Andrews gives Jerry Scanlon a plaque of appreciation for his many years on the Dawson Association Committee.  Jerry Scanlon makes several announcements at the conclusion of the 2008 Dawson Reunion.   Vivien Andrews presents Mari Scanlon with a special gift of appreciation for all of her work for the Dawson  Reunions.  An Introduction by Mark DiVecchio of his cousin, Giuliano Colajanni.  Giuliano presented a commemorative bell to the Dawson Association. This bell was made in Italy at the foundry which makes bells for the Vatican. The bell commemorates the history of the Molise region of Italy, the location of San Pietro Avellana. In Italy, bells have a particular significance. They are rung to announce good news and bad news. They are rung to announce the births of children and the deaths of countrymen. It is customary to ring town bells on the deaths of townspeople no matter where in the world the person died.
 Giuliano presented the commemorative bell to Dawson Association Chairwoman, Ann Salvo Weybrew.

With the help of the Dawson Association, Giuliano learned that his grandfather, Teridano diTella is buried at the Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Raton, NM and that the grandfather of the mayor of San Pietro Avellana, Antonio diLudovico, is buried here at the Dawson Cemetery.
  Vivien Andrews announced the winner of the Dawson quilt raffle as Don Neil of Albuquerque, NM.  Here, Don Neil displays the Dawson quilt he won to the Dawson Reunion attendees.   Chuck Speed, of Amarillo, TX reminds attendees at the reunion to send him any old Dawson photos and their personal Dawson stories for inclusion in the Dawson Association web site. Many old photos and stories will be added to the web site in 2008-2009.
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